Mixing dystopian sci-fi, mythic fantasy, and zombie horror, Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis, is a graphic novel based on a suppressed opera written in 1943 by Peter Kien and Viktor Ullmann, two prisoners at the Terezín concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. The authors did not live to see their masterpiece performed.
Set in an alternative universe where Atlantis never sank but instead became a technologically advanced tyranny, the power-mad buffoonish Emperor declares all-out war—everyone against everyone. Death goes on a labor strike, creating a hellscape where everyone fights, but no one dies. Can the spirit of Life stop this terror with the power of love?
Includes designs from the original opera, historical essays, photographs, and more.
The adventure begins! Artist Man is a superhero without much to do until he gets a mysterious job offer from two kids. Rumor and Gregor need help tracking down their parents (who happen to be lost somewhere in the multiverse) and Artist Man has the skills they need!
Want a copy for yourself? Buy it here.
Whimsical but harrowing! This gentle trip through the clouds is meant to be read while listening to the music of James Michael Meadows. Listen here.
Have you ever wanted to play tag with Destruction?
Gracie and her dog Eustace live a simple, quiet life. That is, until an 11-year-old boy named Tilikoi shows up, claiming to be the Elemental of Destruction. But Destruction doesn't have many friends and now Gracie, Eustace, and Tilikoi are on the run from a gang of bicycle-riding nomads. Will Gracie ever get her peaceful life back?
Want a copy for yourself? Buy it here.
Carmie's BBQ & Grill was running a mailing campaign through USPS's EDDM service.
Carmie's BBQ & Grill was looking for an image-rich, back-to-school feel for their fall seasonal menu.
Album art for the band Get in the Ark's 2017 release.